How To Select a Folding Frame Clothesline

How To Select a Folding Frame Clothesline

How To Select a Folding Frame Wall Mounted Clothesline

These are some key points to consider when selecting a Folding Frame Wall Mounted Clothesline

The folding frame clotheslines are one of the most common styles in the market today. This is because they can be located on a wall or posts and take up less space than the traditional rotary clotheslines. They are available from several suppliers and come in different widths and depths.

If you are looking for a high quality product which has the ability to have the width changed and comes with a host of colour options, then the Air Dry brand is hard to beat which are also Australian made.

The key points to consider are:

  • How many people in your family or do you wash for
  • How often do you wash
  • What are the wash load sizes you have
  • How much space do you have available on your wall for the width
  • Allow at least 50mm to 100mm each side of the Clothes Hoist
  • How much depth do you have from the wall to you
  • The number of lines you would like (often dictated by the above)
  • The sheet size you would like to hang on it
  • The type of wall you are looking to fasten the clothesline to

In addition to the above the type of installation you want to carry out should be considered, you can see more detailed information on the Installation Guide page